Sunday, August 11, 2013

Two Cats and a Monkey

'Two cats and a monkey' is one of the early moral stories that the students, at least in Andhra Pradesh, have been taught, if you have not heard about the story, I think you should go here.

The Telangana Movement - It's all went wrong way!

It is not that they want a separate state, they are actually asking other part of Andhra Pradesh to be separated from the existing state.

Political and JAC leaders  successfully framed the people of the other part of state as defrauders - typically people like hating others and feel good about it, and the movement got stronger.

In the meantime, Jagan Reddy's questing after CM seat lead to creation of a new party that has posed a challenge both incumbent parties (Telugu Desam and Congress). This is the second major reason for trying to split the State of Andhra Pradesh.

All political parties calculated the things wrong - in my opinion, none of the parties believed AP division would ever happen, but rather worried about their vote bank in the Telangana region, and supported for the division.

Opportunistic politics - I than we

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) to centerthought they have successfully cornered congress by throwing the ball into Congress court. BJP has zero presence in Rayalasema and Coastal Andhra, and I am sure BJP wanted to cash on the situation to rise in Telangana and might have planned for Modi's election campaign kickoff in Hyderabad. The Congress party worried about their vote bank in bothe regions: feared of TRS in Telangana and YSRCP in Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra.

Like any other political party, Congress wanted to get at least few of MP seats instead of loosing all of them. The congress has been brought to a position from where they can kill many with one shot , and announced to divide the state. IMO, TDP and BJP failed to assess this situation, which is a strange for me as there is no reason for the Congress to do good for loosing the elections, and the congress successfully cornered BJP, TDP, TRS and YSRCP.

Chandrababu Naidu - the only person who could stop the division

I have seen only three leaders, with true leadership qualities, in Andra Pradesh: NTR, YSR and Chandra Babu Naidu. I expected Chandrababu Naidu to be the leader of Telugu people, but somehow he has been trapped successfully by TRS, which made him to support for separating the Rayalaseema and Costal Anndhra to a separate state. He might have thought nobody would ever will be able to divide the state and wanted to gain his strong vote bank in the Telangana region. IMO, this is the biggest mistake the Chandrababu Naidu has done ahead of bringing down NTR.

If you ask me for one major factor that effected the state division, it is Chandrababu Naidu. Jagan Reddy is the second person who has caused this situation which might not be his intention. If also ask me if there is ny one person who can stop the division, he is Chandrababu Naidu. If Chandrababu Naidu exercises his leadership qualities to keep the state united, he would remembered as a great Telugu leader forever.

You make better decisions for yourself

Internally, India is divided in every aspect: north vs south, state wise, linguistic division, religion, caste, and so on. Of course, externally, we have many reasons to keep united, which I think is the greatness of India.

When you want to make a decision for your family, your thought process would be different from the thought process you would take for others. The former involves logic and sentiment, the later involves logic if that doesn't involve any gain for you. It is unwise to expect any better actions from the center.

A Common man thoughts on Hyderabad

I am not worried about Hyderabad, I am worried about the whole community, I feel sad about we being divided, the way we being divided, when we cannot live together in a state, whether we can do it separated and whether we head to a situation similar to India and Pakistan.

The way the Telagana movement has been taken forward and current situation are not good to separate the state. A peaceful situation and merits are required to separate the state.

Two cats and a monkey - we still have not learnt

If  both the parties (separatists and non-separatists) are not going to yield each other, the monkey will take over Hyderabad. Yield is a great word to learn about after the two cats and a monkey story.

Learn from movies - Heroes always loose in the middle

Movies always have been my inspiration, I strongly believe they represent the past current and future societies, of course I expect them to show only the good things. In a movie, it is typicalfor an elder brother, who is a hero to loose the money and property to his younger brother who friends with bad guys, but in the end hero wins and the family unites.

A win for one not necessarily a defeat for the other

A win for one not necessarily a defeat for other, but can be an opportunity. An opportunity to build a great capitol and a great state unlike the three other states which are separated in recent times which are not doing well.

I am looking forward to reuniting, if at all we have to divide now, which will depend on how well we do, how well our politicians will do.

* All images are downloaded from the Internet, none if them are created by me

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