Monday, November 1, 2010

A win not necessarily a defeat for the other

I liked the introductory voice in the Telugu movie Jalsa, especially the statement “Winning does not mean killing the other person”. I put this sentence in other words to make it useful for real life “A win not necessarily a defeat for others”.

For a long long time, I never understood why the people in Kashmir wanted to be separated, I was thinking that they are really bad people, of course this is based on the media reports.

I vaguely understood from the media that a Pakistani exhibits his patriotism by hating India. Apparently leaders in Pakistan give hate speech against India when they want the local people support.

I am pretty much aware the kind of energy levels a student would exhibit especially tendency to break something. Adding irresponsibility to these energy levels, makes the students very powerful. And if these guys get used to enjoyment, and get an idea of becoming a leader overnight while there exist many TV channels without any work nor any ethics; it is disastrous. A student publicly speaking about taking law and order in his hands, talking about a woman leader using vulgar language, beating a fellow member publicly on a live TV show; these are the easiest things a student can do. But a challenge for a good student is trying to get 10% or even 1% more marks compared to last year score.

I expect a good student to take up the tough job (it is easy to throw a stone, talk vulgar) e.g. preparing a report with supporting data why the Telangana region should be a separate state and viceversa. Do not think many people have done it, there can be many aspects and new way of putting the things. A student with open mind and out of box thinking can really make a big difference. Such things can be a good academic projects as well.

Breaking is easy, making is difficult but useful

The professors should advise students in these lines. This makes a better case for the Telangana or Samaikhrandhra while the students improve their knowledge and can become useful leaders rather the typical Indian Political leaders.

M.K. Gandhi - Propounder of Satyagraha and Ahimsa

Gandhi adopted Satyagraha (civil disobedience) and Ahimsa against Britishers for freedom for various reasons over 60 years. Any human society would sure go forward from this, if we are exhibiting civil disobedience after 60 years Gandhi era, it means we have still not moved up. What Gandhi has done in 1940s is not necessarily correct now. There was a reason for Gandhi to adopt civil disobedience as there were no listeners, no law, no civil rights etc. Today we have the biggest democracy, constitution, law & order and courts for resolving any issue, we do not even need civil disobedience today. Instead of using the above instruments (may be difficult for the common man to use them, but not difficult for heavy weight political leaders) for resolving the Telagana issue, our, so called, the leader try to use violent civil disobedience in the name of Gandhi, I am sure this behavior take us to the era before Gandhi, over 200 years back.

The bad people (mostly the political leaders) are not based on regions, they exist on any part of the land, of course they are plenty in India. It is not reasonable to expect Telangana would be clean after separating from the state of Andhra Pradesh. A bad guy continues to be bad guy even if Telangana is separated or not (analogy Newton’s first law of motion) unless we fight on the root cause. To counter a bad guy, you do not need a separate state, use the constitution. It needs to be proved if the constitution was not effective, in this case the constitution requires amendment first before the separate state.

Think Win-Win

And the outcome of the Telangana issue will not be a victory for the common man in either case in either of the regions, we keep moving backward if we do not change the way we think. When somebody expect something, obviously somebody else should yield the something (analogy Newton’s third law of motion), hence both the parties should start think of win-win situation for both parties keeping the common man in the mind.

Today technology can solve most complex problems (may be except the problems of the married man), in my views Telangana issue can be easily solved if it is treated as techno-economical problem rather than socio-political problem. The needed tools are very simple tools like Fish-bone diagram, Excel and PowerPoint for the cause and effect analysis, data collection/plotting, and presentation/expression respectively. Now the Telangana is a more complex problem as the political leaders wanted power and created social differences among the people.

Divided, we fall

For me, the “self rule and self respect” slogan for Telangana definitely provides an understanding of Kashmir issue at a broader level; but I do not support any view either on Telangana or Kashmir unless somebody proves something technically.

Note: All images are downloaded using Google image search.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very interesting & nice thought Syam.
Best Regards,